Thursday, February 21, 2008

Everything is (dimly) Illuminated

This week was the reunion episode. Always boring and the low point of the season, every reunion "special" redeems itself with at least one tiny wonderful moment of levity in the form of outtakes.
This reunion special was memorable for the absolute breakdown of Michael Kors during the wrestling challenge. I think they shouldn't have edited that out when the episode aired. I enjoyed the rare lapse in formality for judges. Frankly, I'm sure a lot of us felt that the whole conceit of the episode was laughable. I loved to see him do something unexpected. He seems so straight-laced on the show (even more so than Tim, which is funny, because Tim dresses more conservatively).
My thoughts:
-Tim is a golden god.
-Carmen was sniveling and pathetic.
-Victorya was a bitch as usual.
-Steven and Tim obviously have a rapport.
-Kevin is still gay.
-Henceforth, Ricky will be known as the Mexican Jumping Bean.
-The Mexican Jumping Bean is also sniveling and pathetic.
I hate Jillian slightly less after this reunion because it almost represented her as having a sense of humor...She seemed like half a real person.
We're all waiting nervously to see who will be in the final 3. Here's to you, Chris. I'm worried Rami may unseat you, but frankly I think the competition will end up being Christian vs. Jillian anyways.

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