Thursday, January 17, 2008

Hair Scare

This week on PR the gang have to create an avant-garde runway look inspired by their chosen model's hairstyle. They also had to team up, which they seemed to have done a lot this season - hooray for carefully orchestrated drama! Finally, they were told 14 hrs from the end of day 2 (which sounds like the beginning of day 2 to me *scratches head*) they were told that they had to construct a second ready-to-wear look that captured the essence of their couture garment a la a true fashion designer. Bricks were being shitted left and right, and as usual, Jillian had the biggest brick in the pile.
So, first off, why God why do you keep letting Ricky have last model pick? I swear if you let him pick an hors d'œuvre off a tray he would start crying and apologize to all the canapés that he left uneaten.
Secondly, how awesome of a team were Chris and Christian? Christian seemed less pessimistic, while Chris seemed twice as funny. They are like David Spade and Chris Farley, a winningly hilarious combination. PS- Does anyone else notice that Christian resembles Chris Kattan? Am I tripping? Saturday Night Live take note at the great sketch opportunity, not that anybody watches you since you haven't been good since the early 90's. Frankly, I'm not sure if Chris Kattan is still on. I don't know who's on that show other than that guy from Hot Rod (not sure anybody saw that either) *shrugs*.
Moments I loved:
Chris speaking in a strange Dame Edna drawl "Alright M*therf*cker, Come on, let's sew!"
Chris and Christian dancing off the runway after their win. Chris actually did a jig! Too cute!
Victorya saying "We actually had three looks so we should win hahahaha" CUT TO: Christian's face. Priceless.

Chris and Chrisitan
I thought that your couture look was devastating! It looked like a Parisian Cake that Marie Antoinette would snack on. It was definitely very provocational (provocative is probably a better choice, but it seems to convey sensuality - which does not describe this dress). Didn't all of you have a very strong gut reaction? That's what runway drama is all about.
The r-t-w look was boring. The skirt did suck. But that's a design team I can get behind; I love you two even better together! Like peanut butter and jelly, I can't tell what a winning combination you are!

Rami and Sweet P
Rami, you were an asshole this episode. I wanted you to be kicked off over Kit just based on what a shitty leader/human being you were. You were so childish, you might as well have put a tape line across your workstation and told Sweet P she couldn't cross. Let's face it; the proof is in the pudding. Sweet P made an adorable dress I would love to wear, and you made a couture garment so boring it wasn't even worth mentioning. Where was the drama? You used it all up in catfights with your teammate.
To sum it up: Sweet P "I'm just hoping we don't end up in some kinda fist fight." For being a tough looking lady, you took way too much shit from Rami about the couture gown. You shouldn't have actually let him boss you around, unless you're a savvy minx who was setting him up for failure. Hmmmm....

Kit and Ricky
What can I say? I can't disagree with the judges. Both garments looked old and homespun (in a bad way). You apparently took up position as team hillbilly. I'm only sad that this failure was the death toll for Kit and not Ricky. If Ricky makes it to the final ...ugh *shudders to think*. He is the most talent less person left in the competition. I don't understand how he keeps surviving. He's like the bitchy office manager that everyone hates that sticks to your company like a cockroach you can't kill...

Jillian and Victorya
I loved the coat. Very Vivienne Westwood vintage. Alexander McQueen-esque. Totally my flavor of couture. The shirt and pants were boring. I disagree that they should have shown them on the runway walk. The dress that Jillian pulled out of her ass was also boring. She knew it. She talks like a robot or a kindergarten teacher or something. It's not really calm or zen, it's like she's completely detached from her emotions (prescription drug addiction anyone?). She really gets under my skin...I don't feel oo bad Victorya got the boss position by complete chance this time...
To those of you who wonder why this team lost to Chris and Christian, their couture look was solid, but the style is evocative of several punk-ish designers. This couture piece was completely derivative and lacked the innovation and fantasy of the fluffy dress, k thx bai.

Fave 5 is over! There's not enough warm bodies left. I'm not picking people I like now, just picking winners. Aren't winners usually assholes? Now we cut to:
Picks for Bryant Park:
1. Christian
2. Victorya
3. Jillian


Tanner said...

Oh, I hope Jillian's not at Bryant Park! That would be wrong. Not as wrong as Ricky though. He IS kind of like that hypothetical office manager...

I guess Christian was particularly Chris Kattan last night, because I made the same comment to my girlfriend!

I think the right team won this week, for sure. (Though I did like that trench coat, too... but it didn't compare to the dress for pure runway spectacle. And Victorya's "we should win" comment should have automatically disqualified her anyway, even if it did earn a priceless look from Christian!)

Rami should have been out, absolutely. Now he's on my List, along with Rickey and Christian (thanks to last week's dreadful piece that he compounded this week by ignorantly claiming it wasn't the worst!), of people who don't deserve to be around anymore because they SO should have been off! I'm so sick of Rami's single shoulder (or whatever the proper fashion terminology for that is) look! It's the same thing every week! Blah blah blah, he can drape, whatever, so what. I'm with Michael: what ELSE can he do??? Oh yeah, stick too much tacky crap on top of the stuff he drapes. That dress was horrible. He should have been off.

Is it just me, or was Heidi particularly cruel in her aufing of Kit? "You're look wasn't fashion forward." Ouch! "It was fashion-backward." Ouch ouch! "And not in a good way." Ouch, ouch, ouch! TWIST that dagger! Might has well have added, "In a bad way!"

Marleaux said...

Christian does look like he could be the lil adolescent brother of Chris Kattan.

Chris Farley/David Spade- *sigh* I was drooling. Did you see Nina smirking as the dress hit the runway. That was actually a happy smirk. I was hoping she wasn’t trying to hold in laughter. Oh and the model worked it. The skirt was a mess. Chile looks hipless. Which she probably is, but still…

Sweet P/Sweet P’s worse nightmare- I don’t care how good he was previously, I don’t like him anymore. He is on my sh!t list, which probably won’t bother him, as he doesn’t know me, but still. Sweet P is now one of my favorite. Not because of her designs, but because she is a survivor after being dragged through the mud by Bitchtoria, then Remi. Funny how when Vic was with Julian, they meshed.

Kit/The Bad Hatter- *sigh* I mean seriously, what were we expecting from these two. I don’t recall a thing that Kit did in the past. And Ricky… He should keep little tissues in his hats. Make them useful, because they’re not esthetically pleasing. And what in the “1996, bought a similar lil flower dress from Forever 21” heyell… Project Runway, not project run away…

Jillian/Victorya – The coat was very Vivienne Westwood or John Galliano, very much so. The RTW look looked like she walked to close to a shredder on the one side…

My BP pics: Christian of course. The think Sweet P will under dog it all the way to BP. And I’m not sure on the last. Unfotunately, it’ll probably be Julian or Rami.