Thursday, December 6, 2007

That's so passe...

So, this week's challenge was to take a weak ass trend and make it fierce! Rrraaaoowww! This was an entertaining episode, and the first that produced garments that really moved me. Although the concept was mean, you can't argue with results...
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Team Smug: Jillian, Rami, Kevin
Overalls-Poodle skirt-70s Flair
Jillian, you are an outdated and smug bitch, but I still liked your runway version of overalls. It looks more like a 70s jumpsuit, but it's an undeniably cute piece. Rami, your dress was acceptable and maybe even cute-ish, but I'm not sure putting tulle under a dress is a nod to poodle skirts...hmmm...Kevin, I liked your shorts a lot (they reminded me of a pair of Development shorts I wanted a few seasons ago with their cute button detailing) but that top was NASTY. I can't let this go unsaid...Kevin, you have told me twice (and very directly) that you are NOT GAY. You just completely negated your entire argument with that common turn of phrase "I've gotta pull a magic rabbit out of my ASS". Straight men don't keep rodents in their anal cavities! Straight men pull rabbits out of hats. No wait, that's magicians...hmmm....

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Team Star! Kit, Jack, Christian
Fringe-Pleather-Zoot Suit
Kit, I loved the vest, but it's a nice piece on a bad/bland outfit. Jack, I actually really loved this dress. Trendy, pretty, I would belt this and wear tights. Christian, you're my favorite person on this show. You constantly crack me up. But I think I'm taking a seriously dislike to you as a designer. You've been one-note this whole competition, ugly jacket, ugly jacket, ugly jacket, ugly made the most forgettable outfit this week. Tres bland.

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Team Fabulous: Sweet P, Steven, Chris
Baggy Sweater-Dancewear-Shoulder Pads
Too bad your outfits aren't as fabulous as you are! Sweet P, I know that the judges liked your bland, unflattering, oddly layered bubble hem dress - but I didn't. Steven, I liked that top and would wear it with jeans, but it wasn't dancewear or cohesive to this ugly collection. Chris, your dress was passable, but the jacket was ugly Laura Ashley 80's thrift store tacky crap and ruined any hopes your sweet self had for survival. We'll miss you.

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Team Bitchslap: Victorya, Elisa, Ricky
Neon-Underwear as Outerwear-Cut outs
So the ep starts out as, aw, Victorya gathered the freaks under her wing...but this eagle has talons! Victorya, your dress was the best quality of the 3, but you have the worst quality heart. I actually felt bad for Ricky, and I hate Ricky. They kept you in the bottom 3 to break your bitch spirit down. At least you know you're a "bossy cow". Oh, and if your logic told you neon, cut outs, and underwear as outwear goes together, you one tacky ass ho. Elisa, the alien, you were like the young child of two bickering parents who lived in the world of imagination to escape the harsh reality of your twisted home life, and you elected to vote yourself off. I love your free-spirited naiveté. I felt meh about your dress, because it was not remotely wearable, but it was very artistic. Ricky, the one time I would've given you a pass on crying! You were the puppet government of Queen Victorya's evil regime. Why did you ever volunteer to be leader? Your dress was the most heinous offender of the evening in my opinion. It's like an ugly Cirque du Soleil costume...but I guess you can't really call something like that dated (since no decade was stupid enough to make it)...Lucky you, a stay of execution.

In my fave 5 this week:
Sweet P (for having a nervous breakdown when they asked you to vote someone off)
not Kevin


Marleaux said...

Team Smug aka Kevin and the two other people on his team… Oh my goodness. A rabbit out of his ass. Yeah, get your mind out of the gay gutter Kevin.

Christian makes the show this season. I hope he stays on to the end. Not because of his designs, but because of his commentary.

Steven aka Powder- I really really like his top also. And it covers the bum a little too…

Poor poor Ricky. Ok, hats and all, I’ve got a soft spot for him. And just like I knew it, they keep bashing him for being a lingerie designer, and not being a lingerie designer on the show.

*sigh* And I still don’t have a favorite. It’s just not the same this year… Can we talk about last year?

Tanner said...

Love this week's (justifiably) snarky comment about Kevin! Made me laugh out loud. And I think his beard corners are getting more defined, i.e. worse.

Marleaux, I don't understand how you can see past that succession of (against all odds) increasingly hats and have a soft spot for Ricky. I can't wait to see him gone. And I wish one of the dated trends had been stupid hats. Sadly, that trend may not be dated yet... Chris's jacket was crap, but I'd much rather have him around than Hatman.