Friday, November 23, 2007

The SJP episode aka Bite me, Marion.

Team week! This means, all of the designers came up with a concept for some cheap ass clothing ($15 in materials to retail for $40 in Steve and Barry - has anyone seen one of these K-marts of the trendy clothing scene? I haven't.) SJP..."Hello, Gorgeous"
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is judging the designs and picking 7 to run with as potential two piece outfits for her Bitten line...
Though there may not be a clear winner this week, there was definitely a CLEAR loser. Oh lord, picking the losers has never been this easy!

So the teams are as such:
Kit and Chris
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I love you both darlings, but seriously. Who but a stick could wear that incredibly tight number that's more shirt than tunic and leggings? I don't know how many people I have to tell. Leggings aren't pants, they're just really warm tights...and nobody should be walking around with spandex cloth as the only thing covering their ass. There's a reason Jazzercise is dead. Why did you do it Chris, darling? You should have fought for your curvy sistahs!

Jillian and Rami
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Boring. I had to watch the end twice to see what you made. I'm still not sure what the sleeves actually looked like thanks to your lifeless model. There's just so much fabric. It's like a confused and ugly trench coat. Headband has gotta go.

Christian and Carmen
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What all-spandex mini dress doesn't say "I'm every woman"? It was so Alaia layered with Members Only jacket I wanted to bust out my:
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I totally get the dislike here. But I still love Christian because he's a complicated boy. One second he's rudely cutting off the judges to "hear what Sarah thinks", then he's man-ing up and taking responsibility for his design flopping. You're a classy bitch *kiss kiss*.

Elisa and Sweet Pea
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Woman...if the wild child Sweet P has to cross herself in response to your outlandish behavior, you doin' something right. Yes, we were all appalled by your "spit mark" in place of fabric marker or some other "logical" and "sanitary" form of garment marking...but its not like you'll be able to spit on all our clothes if you win honey, unless you stick to true couture. I do have to say, I loved this dress and cape with its "polymorphic" super power...does this mean I can transform into a fire truck? With a spit powered hose?

Jack and Ricky
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We all know Ricky picked Jack to win him over with his Latin charm and hats o' plenty. Their dress was one of my two favorites - something I would REALLY wear. That being said, is a dress and a belt really a two piece outfit? No. I think it's a one piece outfit with accessories...Nice try boys.

Marion and Steven
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C.R.A.P. A burlap sack with fringe. Wow, with that belt it's so chic. Wait, maybe if I gouge out my eyes? Nope, just like the treatment plant in summer time, I can still smell the shit...

Victorya and Kevin
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My darlings, I think Victorya's PR skills sold this one. It was so trendy. Not ugly or even forgettable. But wearable? I think not. Why not let Christian win the first ep if we're doing runway chic? Volume is NOT my friend.

In My Fave 5:
Sweet P
Ricky (but you could cry your way out honey, keep those eyes dry)
Chris (for crying over SJP, god love ya)

1 comment:

Marleaux said...

OH LL, those clothes are just awful. They itch, and they’re so cheaply made that you have to get two sizes up for a good fit. So it hurts a sister’s ego too. Who wants clothing that cruel…

Kit and Chris: I was waiting for their model to dim the lights light a cigarette and start reciting spoken word.

Jullian and Rami: I like the bag… Though they didn’t design that.

Christian and Carmen: They must be from the same hair planet. Lmao when he wanted to hear SJP’s opinion. That was too classic. And what’s up with those Mom’s Mably of an office shoes she’s wearing.

Elisa and Sweat Pea: I just wanted to know where the spit mark was on the model, and if it was dry once she put on the fabric. I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the only mark. And I was surprised at what homegirl said about her to the judges. I thought they had finally come to some type of medium. And after SP’s comments, I thought she was going to come back with the commentary that she gave to the camera, but know she just left it at to beings from Earth and another planet far, far away…

Jack and Ricky: Yeah, I liked this whole look with the belt; especially since the belt is kinda long, which I didn’t notice on the shoes. Oh, and I’m waiting for Ricky to cross someone in the house, so that they can throw away all his hats in retaliation… That’s the most dramatic way that I can think of to rid this season of these awful hats. Was there a mesh hat? Seriously Ricky…

Marion and Steve aka Powder: *find some nice to say* *find some nice to say* *find some nice to say* Well, yeah the belt does look nice. And a nice color lip stick too, that both Steven is wearing.

Victorya and Kevin: Victoria seems like the judge’s pet so far. But that doesn’t mean she’ll make it to the end. I haven’t picked my favorites yet. Maybe by the next episode, I’ll have a feel for the designers.